Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Forbidden City

Another opportunity to travel to China, a fantastic country. The first day I had a few hours on my own so visited the Forbidden City again. Beautiful as always...

Fragile, now the night is here...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lonesome Cowboy

So I went to New York City for a week just the other day. Still, I had some time to walk around Broadway, including running into Matthew Broderick and Ewan McGregor after their shows. While that was fun for sure, I thought the lonesome Cowboy on Time Square was a bit more impressive.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Olympic Park

It has been a while since I last went to the Olympic Park. So I returned this weekend to see what it would look like post the Games. I really like the venue; it's an interesting mixture between wildlife and formal architecture.

One of the more interesting buildings is the velodrome, with its hyperbolic paraboloid shape and a red cedar timber outside it simply looks fantastic.

You can bring your race bike along or simply rent one for the day and off you go...

I also liked the Aquatics Centre, and some features seem to stem directly from the movie "I Robot", although those are just the spectators' seats....

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Life thru a lens

The team I work for got invited to a wedding of one of our colleagues. Great fun, beautiful bride, everything you could possibly hope for. I had my little camera with me and pressed the shutter button just when my colleague Ellis was trying to take a picture. Proper example of "Focus on the important things", ha ha.

Monday, July 21, 2014

On the beach

A one-day excursion with my cousin to Dungeness. Classic British seaside pursuits are just not possible at Dungeness. What you do get is a hard, unyielding shingle beach and lots of isolation and strangeness. But then - when the sun shines - you can enjoy the sky stretching over flat marshland and surprisingly very few visitors.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Breakfast at ... London Bridge

Ok, so it is not quite Tiffany's, but surely it is just as exciting to have your first cup of tea right on London Bridge in your bridesmaid dress at 8am on a Monday morning. The two girls caused quite a stir, very funny.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I think it's fair to say that for someone from mainland Europe the obsession the English have with Cricket is somewhat on the quirky side of things. Anyway, while I acknowledge I will never fully understand the rules it was actually quite an entertaining evening at the Oval.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mont St Michel

A four-day Normandy trip on the bike over Bank holiday. Thank you Benon for a nice ride along the French coastline down south to Mont St Michel. Oh, should you happen to be in the area, you can skip the village with the promising name "Camembert", it's not worth it.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Shadow of a man

Since I decided to walk to work (rather than using the bicycle) I get a few shots every now and then during my commute. Great fun.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


The V&A museum is certainly amongst my favourite London museums. However, I didn't want to shoot just plain statues. Given I felt inspired by the exhibition by Tony Ray-Jones (showing in the Science Museum, definitely worthwhile seeing!) I tried to capture a different side, a bit funnier, a bit more interesting, or so I hope...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Gehry House

Frank Gehry - according to the New York Times one of the most successful architects of our times - created some odd looking but very cool houses in the "Zollhafen" in Duesseldorf. Unfortunately, no one seems to live in them, they all appear to be occupied by very creative people from the media industry.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Too much information

Went for a walk on Oxford Street with the intention to shoot a few images at night. The one shot I liked was this one, a woman in front of a huge display..."Too much information" was what I thought that moment.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Highgate Cemetery

This weekend I went to a photography course to Highgate Cemetery. A cemetery? A bit pathetic, you may think. True. But then it was all about trying to capture the cemetery in Black & White. I didn't like too many of the images I took, but thought those three were ok....

Once upon a hill...

So I have been trying to find a decent subtext for this picture, but I have given up. I wanted to give the image some sort of meaning, but I guess it simply doesn't have one. It's just a picture I like.