Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Gehry House

Frank Gehry - according to the New York Times one of the most successful architects of our times - created some odd looking but very cool houses in the "Zollhafen" in Duesseldorf. Unfortunately, no one seems to live in them, they all appear to be occupied by very creative people from the media industry.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Too much information

Went for a walk on Oxford Street with the intention to shoot a few images at night. The one shot I liked was this one, a woman in front of a huge display..."Too much information" was what I thought that moment.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Highgate Cemetery

This weekend I went to a photography course to Highgate Cemetery. A cemetery? A bit pathetic, you may think. True. But then it was all about trying to capture the cemetery in Black & White. I didn't like too many of the images I took, but thought those three were ok....

Once upon a hill...

So I have been trying to find a decent subtext for this picture, but I have given up. I wanted to give the image some sort of meaning, but I guess it simply doesn't have one. It's just a picture I like.